Hello, and welcome to, the home page for all things related to the Coos County Election Integrity group.

See eye to eye with our C.I.

If you want to contact us send an email to contact at coosintegrity dot com.

Coos Integrity Event!

Coos Integrity has scheduled an event for 25-January at 6PM at the Coos Bay Public Library.

We will be presenting a number of video clips where we go over all of the curious things that have been going on in Coos County regarding the elections over the last few years.

Coos Bay Public Library is located at 525 Anderson Ave, Coos Bay.

Coos Integrity Event!

Coos Integrity has scheduled an event for 11-January at 6PM at the Coquille Community Center.

We will be presenting the Curious Case of Coos County where we go over all of the curious things that have been going on in Coos County regarding the elections over the last few years.

For a background on those curious cases, check out the Audit Oregon website.

Coqille Community Center is located at 105 N Birch St, Coquille.

Dr Frank Video

On October 10th, 2024, the Coos County Commissioners held a 3 1/2 hour work seesion to discuss election integrity.

Two experts were invited to testify. Dr. Frank went first and a lively discussion ensued.

The following is Dr. Frank's 30 minute opening presentation, edited for clarity, and to mitigate several technical glitches with the county equipment. The slides shown at the meeting have been superimposed on the video to make them easier to read.

The full, unedited, video can be found on the Rob Taylor Report Rumble page.

Audit Oregon Logo There is a website dedicated to the Curious Case of Coos County. There have been a lot of curious things going on in Coos County and you can read about them there.

Coos Integrity Event!

Coos Integrity has scheduled an event for Saturday, 14-December, at 6PM at the Coos Bay Public Library.

We will be presenting the video of Dr. Frank at the Coos County Commissioners meeting where he debated Professor Grimmer. The debate centered around dirty voter rolls, how all county registrations moved in lock step State-wide, and how Dr. Frank could predict results.

This is an edited video of the three hour Commissioners Meeting debate. The edits were done to remove extraneous content and to allow slides that were hard to see in the original recording to be inserted.

To see the full, unredacted, video you can click on this link for The Rob Taylor Report Rumble page.

Voter Citizenship

Here is an interesting article about how the Oregon Department of Motor Vehicles did not verify citizenship of people registered to vote by the DMV

How many unverified citizens voted in the last Coos County election? We don't know.

Coos Integrity Event Update

The event went off as planned in Bandon last night, but instead of going over the Curious Case information, Samantha Frost came in from Roseburg.

She ran for Douglas County Commissioner and had some other experiences with Douglas County Republicans. She explained all the shenanigans that happened and gave a very entertaining discussion. At the end she took questions and comments.

You can see the recording on Rob Taylor's You Tube Channel. The audio is a bit dicey at times, but it is worth checking out.

End Vote By Mail

End Vote By Mail Graphic There is a website dedicated to Ending Vote By Mail in Oregon. Click on the link to find out more.

Coos Integrity Event!

Coos Integrity has scheduled an event for 23-November at 6PM at the Restoration Worship Center in Bandon.

We will be presenting the Curious Case of Coos County where we go over all of the curious things that have been going on in Coos County regarding the elections over the last few years.

For a background on those curious cases, check out the Audit Oregon website.

Restoration Worship Center is located at 89 North Avenue NE in Bandon.

What we are...

We are about transparency

...simple enough.

Quick election update

Coos County Measure 6-219 passed with an almost 60% YES vote!

State Measure 117 was defeated! No statewide Rank Choice Voting (for now).

Coos County Measure 6-219

Coos County measure 6-219 is an advisory ballot measure that gives every voter the opportunity to let the Commissioners know their opinion about wind turbines off the coast of Oregon.

Yes 6-219 info card

To get more information go to Oregonians Against Wind Turbines!

State Measure 117 - Rank Choice Voting

Rank choice voting further confuses voters and lessens election integrity, therefore we heartily suggest you vote NO.

Here is a nifty graphic from Ranked Choice Education Association!

No on 117

Here is another graphic from Oregon People's Vote!

No on 117